23 Apr 2017

Introduction to Christian Band: Living Seeds

Living Seeds is a band that is dedicated to putting the Word of God into music like you've never heard before. There is no greater force in this world than the Word of God. It is living and active! Living Seeds takes these powerful passages of Scripture and makes them unforgettable, both musically and lyrically. With strong vocals, great guitar rhythm sections, powerful riffs and souring guitar solos, they truly rock the Word. You cannot help but be drawn to the Word in these songs and soon be singing the Word yourself. Their desire is that the Living Seeds of the Word in these songs will row in your heart and become a powerful force in your life.

Songs by Living Seeds:

1. Love Poured Out

Having being justified by faith
We have peace with God
Through Jesus Christ we've accessed Grace
In which we now stand

We exult in tribulations
Which bring out our perseverance
And through this proven character
A hope that does not disappoint us

For the Love of God has been
Poured into our hearts
Through the Holy Spirit
Who was given to us

While we were still helpless sinners
Christ shed His blood to save us
By His blood been justified
Save from the wrath of God

If by one man's sin death reigned
How much more those who receive
Gifts of grace and righteousness
Reign in life through Jesus Christ

For the love of God 
(Poured out in our hearts)
For the love of god
(Poured out in our hearts)

2. I Press On

What things were gain to me
I have counted lost for Christ
Yes I count all things but loss
Compared to the priceless value of
Knowing my Lord

For whom I have suffered the loss of all things
And count them but rubbish so I can gain Him
And be found in Him righteous
Not by my own works
But through faith in Jesus
A righteousness which is of God
Which is by faith

That I may know Him
And the power of His Resurrection
And the fellowship of His sufferings
Being like Him in His death
That I may know Him
And  the power of His Resurrection
If by any means to attain to
The resurrection of the dead

I press on toward
The goal set before me
The prize of His high calling

I have not attained this
Or been made perfect already
But I press on to lay hold of
And make my own that for which Christ called me
I do not consider that I have laid hold of it yet
But one thing I do
I forget what lies behind
And reach forward to what lies ahead

3. We are Surrounded

Therefore since we are surrounded
By such a great cloud of witnesses
Let us throw off every hindrance
And entanglement of sin
You must run and endure the race, set before you
You must run and endure the race, set before you

Let us fix our eyes on Jesus
The author and perfecter of our faith
Who for the joy set before Him
Endured the cross, scorning it's shame
And sat down at the right hand of the thrown of God
And sat down at the right of the thrown of God

In your struggle against temptation
You've not resisted to shedding your blood
Consider Him who endured such opposition
So you won't grow weary and faint
My son, don't make light of the Lord's discipline
My son, don't make light of the Lord's discipline

Therefore strengthen, your feeble arms and weak knees
Make level paths for your feet
So that the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed

4. Abide in Me

I am the True Vine
and My Father the Vine-dresser
He cuts off every branch in Me
That does not bear fruit
And everyone that bears fruit
He prunes so it will bear more
Now you have been cleansed by My spoken Word

Abide in Me
And I'll abide in you

A branch cannot bear fruit
Unless it abides in The Vine
Neither can you bare unless you're in Me
I am the True Vine and you are the branches
Abide in Me always and you will bear fruit

If you abide in Me
And My Words abide in you
Whatever you ask for it will be done
My Father is glorified by this
That you bear much fruit
As he has loved me
So I have loved you

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