2 May 2017

Faith And Victory Church

Faith and Victory Church is about loving God and loving His people.  We are a medium sized church that wants to spread the gospel in Auburn Washington but also spread the gospel all across the world.  We do this by harnessing the power of social media to preach/write about/video blog/ and proclaim His truth.  This is the beauty of social media, you no longer have to be a mega church to reach the world.  In this blog post, I'll explain some of the ways we are doing that.

My name is Pastor Todd and I'm one part pastor, one part admin, and one part social media ninja.  I first got into social media about 5 years ago as we were redoing our church website.  I wanted way for more potential visitors to find our website.  The thought being once they saw our website they would visit us on a Sunday.  Social media seemed like the best way to do that.  It was a simple yet so powerful idea that has changed the way our church functions.  At the time our services were running about 200 people, today we are running over 400 people per service and our Easter service had about 550 people in it.  That's more than doubling the size of our church in 5 years.  Now social media can't take all the credit for this growth but it has played a major part in the reason why we continue to grow.

Social media meshes really well with what the church is trying to accomplish.  Social media is platform to tell your message to your friends (pretty much the definition of sharing the gospel), social media is a platform to share interesting content (recorded sermons and devotionals), and social media is a place to show (not tell) your friends about what your doing (taking pictures and checking in to church) in a way that doesn't put pressure on the person checking your church out (visiting a church in person is so pressure packed).

Our social media presence starts with Facebook.  Facebook is the largest and most influential social media platform.  Our church page has about 1650 facebook page likes which is over 4 times the size of our church.   So we reach over 400 people per Sunday and then we have the opportunity to reach an additional 1200+ people from Facebook.  Not only that, but because we update our Facebook page frequently all those 1200+ people and potentially all their friends have the opportunity to check out our church without actually having to attend.  THIS IS INVALUABLE EXPOSURE that only costs time and not money.

One of the things we do to increase our Facebook presence is take lots of pictures during our services.  It started out just being me that took pictures.  I'd take pictures of smiling couples, babies, the preacher, and the worship team.  I would tag each picture and make sure to have the location show as our church (so people could click on our church page to check us out)  As time has moved along, I've convinced others in the congregation to join me to the point where now on a Sunday morning to the point of where now there are tons of pictures happening on Facebook from all kinds of different people.  It has an amazing effect.  At least once a month, I greet a first time visitor who says something like this "I saw my friends picture at church and it looked like a lot of fun, so I had to check it out".  The old saying goes "a picture says a thousand words" and I agree.

Another social media platform we use is Twitter.  Twitter is my personal favorite.  Facebook is more about personal relationships, but twitter is about broadcasting your message to the world.  By using an app called crowdfire (free to try), the church twitter account (@FVChurchAuburn) has been able to get almost 120,000 twitter followers.  Most of them Christians or at least having an interest in Christian topics.  The Church twitter reaches about 5 million other twitter accounts per month.  That's massive.  No other social media lets you easily reach that amount of people so easily.  We use twitter to get visitors to our website.  This is important because Google ranks your page in searches depending on how much traffic visits your site.  The more traffic that visits your site the higher you'll be when someone does a search looking for a church to attend.

Last but not least we use youtube to live stream and record our sermons.  Live streaming/recording your sermons gives people that are sick and also those traveling an opportunity to "not be left out".  It also gives an opportunity to give potential visitors the chance to preview your sermons.  Your visitors want to know that you aren't preaching something weird, that your preaching is compelling and interesting, and that you are preaching the word of God.  Live streaming and recording your sermons gives them that opportunity without the "risk" of attending your service.  Time and time again I've talked to first time visitors that watched our live stream for weeks before working up the courage to visit us in person.

Hopefully I've given you a few ideas to help grow your own church through social media.  Sharing the gospel through social media is my passion.  I'd love to connect with you there and also answer any questions you may have for you, your ministry, or your own church.  Send me an email, message, picture or tweet on any of the social media platforms below.

God Bless

Pastor Todd Sommer
Church Webpage - faithandvictory.com

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